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How to be successful in the online environment

Our world is connected to the digital world. For businesses is crucial to be visible offline same as online. Are you sure you manage your business activity online up to full potential?

Here are few tips to find your way around :

  1. Get active in your local business community. Every firm can make a worthwhile contribution to their local community.
  2. Make a list of groups, people or companies that could be a good target for you.   Make clear who are your products or services for and to whom you want to offer it.
  3. Write online PR articles and white papers, to promote and inform about your business. Attract visitors who could be your potential clients.
  4. Invest in your website and corporate identity. There is a significant competitive advantage for firms that deploy a website as a component of their prospect generation, marketing, and client service efforts.
  5. Get referrals. Share what other’s say about you. This would include clients, your local realtor, accountant, lawyers at larger firms, bankers, etc.
  6. Write an individual marketing plan. Set a marketing budget for a long term period and figure out how to spend it. This is not an expense, this is an investment in yourself.
  7. Develop an e-mail distribution list. As your list grows, you can start to send your contact list legal alerts, money-saving tips, or a newsletter. Let your clients know what other skills you have that they haven’t tried yet.
  8. Create a budget or financial plan by which you can measure your success. Your goals might include increasing traffic to your website, contacts, and Return On Investment: revenue.
  9. Do not try to be all things to all clients. Focus on particular type of clients that are your products/services meant for.
  10. Consider hiring an Online Marketing agency and attending marketing training classes. Let the experts give you an advice that will help you get the competitive advantage.

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Václav Sochor

Václav Sochor

Operation Manager at Ovocný světozor