Painting pixels Building scrollbars Making magic Creating and evolving

We develop and execute online marketing and merchandise initiatives to drive revenue and profitability, acquire new customers, strengthen retention rates and grow customers’ lifetime values, all while improving the overall customer experience.

  • Analysis

    We offer a complete analysis of your website and your competitors’ websites and online strategies, which presents you with a great advantage, because we will be able to identify the weaknesses and strengths of your opponent’s strategy and be able to improve upon it.

    There are many aspects to consider here: language, business location, customer average age, sex, occupation, etc. After a deep analysis of your business and your competitors online and market placement we will identify the best and most relevant keywords for you and we will customize your website to get the best out of it.

  • On-page factor

    Our goal is to make every page on your site search-engine-friendly, with content and tools ready to further your business goals. This strategy refers to factors that have an effect on your Web site or Web page listing in natural search results. Examples of on-page optimization include actual HTML code, meta tags, keyword placement and keyword density.

  • SEO

    Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the visibility of a website in a search engine’s “natural” or un-paid (“organic”) search results. In general, the earlier (or higher ranked on the search results page), and more frequently a site appears in the search results list, the more visitors it will receive from the search engine’s users.

  • Marketing Buzz

    We participate in the interaction of consumers and users of a product or service which amplifies or alters the original marketing message. This emotion, energy, excitement, or anticipation about a product or service can be positive or negative.

    Individuals in social settings are easier to trust than organizations that may be perceived to have vested interests in promoting their products and/or services.

    Interpersonal communication has been shown to be more effective in influencing consumers’ purchasing decisions than advertising alone and the two combined have the greatest power.

  • Online articles

    Writing and publishing PR articles helps to build your image, increases amount of visitors to your website, and attracts people who desire your service. Online PR and link bait creation and distribution can be an excellent source of relevant inbound links to your site and they are considered good for SEO.

  • Local Marketing

    The highest-ranking factors for local search still remain Google Places signals, GoogleMyBusiness platform and geolocation codes within your own website. Many content strategies live at the national level, but sometimes there are opportunities on the local side to develop fresh content.

  • Back link

    Evocreative takes charge of the actions aimed at increasing the number and quality of inbound links to a page. Website directories are lists of links to websites, which are sorted into categories, we concentrate as well on those websites to get a better positioning and brand exposure.

  • PPC Management

    Our PPC management services give you an opportunity to reach your customers online via paid advertising. This is an excellent complimentary strategy to SEO, since it provides instant and measurable results and it allows you to appear on other relevant websites.

Benefit of being in the

Top ten of Google

Capturing only 1% of that traffic of searches and turning it into new clients, it means potentially hundred of new clients in the worst case scenario.

Search Engine Optimization involves the proper use of a wide range of tools including Keyword Research, On Page Optimization and Back Linking to help your website rank on the top page on Google.

Only if you maintain your website properly, would you be able to maintain it on the top page rank on the search engine. This is a continuous process of optimizing the site so as to remain ahead of the competition. Being on the first page of the Google search engine results will bring great benefits for your business activity online and increase your brand image.

Most internet users that are looking for something will use Google to help them locate the product or service they desire. The lower the number of users reaching your website, the lower the number of buyers. As in any other advertising media channel, the more people reach you, the bigger the chance to buy or use your services.

Why you should start a digital marketing campaign:

  1. Increased income and more chances of expanding your business.
  2. More opportunities for your business.
  3. Builds your image as a serious player on your market.
  4. Optimal advertising costs from being in a lead position online.
  5. Good differentiator from your competition.
  6. Great visibility in your potential client’s eyes.
  7. Advertising with a long-lasting effect.

Marketing projects

Frequently Asked Questions

I would like that my potential customers would find my website easily on search engines. Is this included in website development?

Do you have a proven track-record of achieving Page One Google results?

How do you measure your results? Would you show me how to track these measures as well? Are your results published and verified by clients?

I would recommend Evocreative 100%

Steve Rappaport

Steve Rappaport

Owner at LinkAmerika