Painting pixels Building scrollbars Making magic Creating and evolving

Back to Business: Post COVID Office Changes and Updates

Here at Evocreative, we’ve been busy! Over the past year and half, COVID and lockdown brought its set of problems and challenges, but it also came with new and exciting opportunities. The pandemic exposed a need for and highlighted the importance of digital services within businesses, and seeing as that’s what we do, we were happy to receive a wave of work that’s been keeping us busy.

Now that things have calmed down again and are somewhat back to “normal”, we’ve finally had the chance to finish and launch our new colorful brand image. Not only have we made big changes online with our new website and logo, but we’re also altering our beloved office in Prague.

Storefront: Our office faces the street and has always boasted our branding materials, but the outside signage and displays will soon get the new branded updates.

Skateboard Ramp: Since the fun never stops rolling at Evocreative, our office now features a room with its own built in-house skate micro ramp perfect for when you just need a quick brain break. This room will also be branded, and we’re excited about the possibilities with the options below.

Artwork: There’s been an addition to the artwork collection on our office walls. Historically, almost all of the artwork being displayed in our office has been created by members of our team We hope to encourage creativity and continue this tradition until we have no more wall space. 

Living creatures: Additionally, the office has been freshened up with new plants along with the new, and familiar, faces of our team (link website) bringing color and energy back into our workspace. If you happen to be in Prague, Come by our storefront to say hello.

I would recommend Evocreative 100%

Steve Rappaport

Steve Rappaport

Owner at LinkAmerika