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Designing the Perfect Landing Page

If you want to sell a product, its packaging must be attractive. And if you are planning to market said product online, you also need an attractive landing page.

Here are is a guide of the eight basic things you should include in your landing page to draw in users:

NICE LOOKING HEADLINE. A captivating and nice looking headline will capture the attention of any individual that is perhaps interested in your product. The headline should summarize your company in one simple, short sentence.

BODY COPY. A secondary headline gives a little more information, which the title of your site did not give. The brief body copy below this should be brief and to the point. It should expand on your secondary title, but it should not give away everything about your product.

TESTIMONIALS. Testimonials from professionals in your market or celebrities are a must for any landing page. They deliver an honest, unbiased voice about your product and company, establishing a feeling of trust between your potential clients and you.

CALL TO ACTION. Any call to action or button should stand out from the rest of your page design. Try using interesting and contrasting colors to draw in a visitor’s eye.

PAGE LINKS. Links to specific areas on your landing page are a must. Placing them in the upper right corner of your page allows visitors to your page to easily find and click through to the information they are most interested in.

DISPLAY IMAGE. As the saying goes: “a picture is worth a thousand words.” This means that you should choose a standout image to place on your landing page that not only stands out, but describes your company without the need for text. Let the image speak for itself.

RWD. Be sure to utilize the space of the entire window, and take into consideration your landing page’s responsiveness. It looks good on your desktop, but how about on mobile? Utilizing a responsive web design will save you a lot of hassle in the future, and it will make your page look its very best no matter the portal through which your visitors using.

MORE INFO. Alright, now you have lured in your visitor through a captivating title, fantastic image and beautifully designed landing page, but they still haven’t gone and taken action; they’re interested in knowing more. In your “more information” section, be prepared to expand on everything previously discussed. Through properly written and persuasive speech, you’re apt to push your visitor toward taking action as opposed to running away.

Remember, these are just the basics, and every landing page has its unique needs and layout. Just be sure to know your audience and what they like in order to successfully design and sell your product.

We were overall very pleased with their work and I would recommend them

Silvia Bušniaková

Silvia Bušniaková

Deputy Director at British Chamber of Commerce