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Defining your Logo

Whether you have a startup company looking to create a logo or you’re trying to update your logo, this article will help you. When looking to have a logo for your business you need to start from scratch. This article will go through the steps it takes to start a logo, how the consumer uses brand recognition to remember your company, and how they perceive your company logo.

Tips on building a successful logo: 

  • Understand your brand identity – Who are you? What is your company about? 
  • Look at your competition – What is their logo like? The same type of business? 
  • Check design style – Is it current? Will it catch the eye of the customer?
  • Use appropriate colors, typography, shapes, and line carefully to establish your image
  • Implement your logo into your company – Make it match who your company is and what you are trying to let the market know about you. Look at your slogan and motto. That is your branding, let it match that. 

Using these tips will help guide you to a successful logo. As you are looking into your logo make sure you are meaning to get the message across of what you are trying to portray. 

If you need more proofs, of why it is so important to create a proper and rememberable logo and why you should pay attention on details, have a look at these statistics:

  • Logos are the most recognizable brand identifiers at 75%, followed by visual style (60%), brand colour (45%), and unique voice (25%).
  • 50% of consumers are more likely to patronize a brand with a logo that they recognize.
  • Conversely, 60% of consumers avoid brands with odd, unattractive, or unappealing logos, regardless of whether they received good reviews.
  • 42% of consumers say that a logo effectively conveys a company’s personality. (Source)
  • 95% of leading brands use only one or two colours in their logo. In comparison, only 5 % of companies use more than three colours in their logo.
  • On average, it takes professional designers around 10 to 20 hours to complete a logo. Obviously, this job requires professional approach and knowledge.
  • The average lifespan of a logo is approximately 10 years, but it may be a good idea to renew your logo according to the current business atmosphere.
  • 60% of consumers will avoid a brand with a logo they find odd, ugly, or unappealing. (Source)

Consumers’ perceptions of logos:

Consumers remember logos that are simple. That plays hand in hand with how your logo is designed where you have to take into account the colour, shape, and typography that you use. Different colours have different meanings to the consumer. For example, red is perceived as confident, energetic, and intensive. Red increases heart rate which can increase the purchase rate. It’s the reason why clearance items are red, as those are usually impulse buys, and you may not intend to normally buy them. Secondly, look at the shape of your design. Your logo should be something simple that the everyday consumer will look at and remember it. This ties well into your typography as your logo may be conjoined with the logo. As exemplified below, Exxon’s logo is a type of typography. Looking at The North Face logo, they implement an image concurrent with the type of typography. Lastly, looking at Apple’s logo, it is just a shape but as a consumer, you can easily recognize the logo and know what company it is. 

And of course, if you need any help with your logo, feel free to reach out to us! 

You can also find more information in this article about having Creative Branding Ideas.

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Kateřina Jedličková

Kateřina Jedličková

Director of Sales & Marketing at Paris Hotel